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Getting Pregnant over 35

There was once a time when doctors did not recommend that woman getting pregnant over 35 years old.  There were claims made that there was more of a chance for the baby to be born with defects due to the age of the eggs being fertilized.  However, times have changed.  There are many women who are deciding to get pregnant over 35 years old and they are having healthy babies.

When a woman gets pregnant over 35, she is often considered a high risk pregnancy.  It is more common for older pregnant women to experience complications than it is for younger pregnant women.  The doctor will most likely want to run additional tests on a woman who is pregnant over 35 year old than he would want to run on a pregnant women who is under 35 years of age.  Additional ultra sounds may be required, as well as a process called Amniocentesis.  Many women who are pregnant over 35 decline the Amniocentesis test, as it does pose minor threats to the unborn baby.  It is a test done in order to diagnose different defects in the fetus.
pregnancy period

During the last trimester of her pregnancy, a woman who is pregnant over 35 can expect her number of doctor’s visits to increase.  She will need to see her doctor on a bi-weekly to weekly basis.  During these visits, tests will be run in order to make sure everything is going smoothly for both mother and child.

Getting pregnant over 35 years old is not an uncommon act in this day and age.  There was once a time when 35 years old was considered to old to begin motherhood.  More and more women are deciding to get pregnant later in life and they do have healthy babies.  There may be more doctor visits, more tests, and it may be harder on the body after 35 years old, but it is being done by millions of woman worldwide.

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