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Coronary in aspects of heart attack

Now a day, heart attack has been a growing problem, especially in the developed countries and in the European nations. This has become even worse that above 1 million American get a heart attack every year. This is only in case of America, but the real scenario in the whole world is even worst. And the main reason behind this severe disease is the coronary blockage.
Reasons behind heart attack and what it is:
Heart attack is mainly caused by blockage in the blood circulation through the coronary arteries. Heart muscles are kept nourishing by circulating the blood containing rich oxygen. This is mandatory for the heart muscle to get continuous blood circulation. And the coronary arteries do this job. These coronary arteries become narrow when you get coronary diseases and thus hamper in fluent blood circulation. Cholesterol, fat, etc. slowly builds plaque in the coronary arteries wall. These plaques become harder, cracks the outer shell and consequently, the platelets come across the area and form blood clots. These blood clots eventually block the artery, and the heart muscle lacks oxygen. This starvation of oxygen causes the heart muscles to die in a short time and causes a permanent damage. This situation is called heart attack. Again, a spasm of the coronary arteries may also cause a heart attack.
coronery in heart attacksConsequence of heart attack:
Every coronary artery is related to a particular section of heart muscle. It supplies blood to that section. Thus the damage in the heart muscle for heart attack depends on the area associated with the affected artery and the time of injury and treatment. As more arteries become narrower or affected, the more the possibility of damage increases.  These damaged muscles are healed after the heart attack and needs a minimum of eight weeks. Like the skin wound, heart muscle’s wound heals and a scar is formed in the damaged area. However, these new tissues never contract and lessen the heart’s pumping ability. The percentage of heart’s lost pumping ability is actually associated with the location and size of scar. Thus, heart attack leaves a permanent damage to your heart. 
Factors like increasing age (usually over 66), diabetes, chronic kidney disease, fat, cholesterol level, smoking and blood pressure are especially responsible for heart attack. Some person also gets it as in the genetic process. Again, it has been proving that male gets the more heart attack than females. 
Symptoms of heart attack:
Though a heart attack is a sudden disease, but there are some symptoms, which may help you to take proper precautions. Anxiety, pressure, heaviness, discomfort, pain in the arms, chest, below the breastbone, especially in the left side, sweating, vomiting, dizziness, extreme weakness, shorter breathe, irregular or rapid heart breathed are the main symptoms of heart attack. These symptoms may last for thirty minutes or more.
Precaution and cure:
Moderate diet, exercise, walking and maintaining a totally balanced life is the main prevention toward heart attack. However, if your situation is even worse, and you get a heart attack once or blockage in the coronary artery or high cholesterol level, then you need to consult with your doctor for further treatment.

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