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Preparing for Eye Surgery

                People all around the world have a common problem of misplacing their glasses. Even contacts are not often a feasible solution and most people simply can not bear to fight with them. Such issues cause frustrated people to decide to simply throw their glasses or their contacts away, and live without them, even if it means a slightly vision impaired or a heavily vision impaired life, depending on how severe their eye defect is. On an average, people have heard of the ever so desirable, miracle lasik surgery, a surgery promising them a perfect 20/20 vision and freedom forever from cumbersome glasses and tedious contacts. As good as this may seem, for most people the idea of having a permanent change in their eyes is at best terrifying. Such a surgery also involves a lot of groundwork, as the patient has to make sure he is compatible with the surgery, has complete information pertaining to the subject and also finds a lasik eye surgeon who can be trusted. Your eyes are particularly fragile and hence you must make sure that your preparation is optimum. To help you get started with your preparation, here are a few dos and donts to find that perfect laser clinic:
=> Confirm the education level and credentials of the eye surgery staff
=> Search for a lasik vision institute located nearby
=> Quiz lasik eye surgeons as to the best way to go about the lasik surgery
eye surgery preparation
              As with all healthcare procedures, it is only the qualifications of the doctor that matter, and not the size of his holdings or the location of his clinic or hospital. A doctor should simply inspire confidence and must be willing to answer all your queries related to the surgery and related to his credentials. While a particular optometrist may be a state-certified doctor, it is also important that he have a license for performing lasik surgeries. The eyes are the most delicate part of your body, so you must ensure that your chosen doctor is up to the task of performing a potentially life-changing operation. There is no shame in wanting to know what is going to happen to your body, so satisfy all your queries beforehand.
            As tempting as it may be to throw away your glasses and your contacts away instantly, a person should wait before doing so and find an appropriate lasik vision center which is fully equipped to do his surgery, usually available in all cities. Trying to physically locate such a center can be a daunting task, so you might try searching through the phone book or looking online for such a centre. You might also try asking other people who have undergone this surgery before.
            The crux of this operation lies with your trust in your doctor. So ascertain that the doctor is qualified, willing to answer your queries and most importantly, is qualified.

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