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What does it mean disorder of deficit hyperactivity of attention(ADHD)?

 Attention Deficit and Hyperactivity Disorder - a syndrome occurring in children. This disease is characterized by attention deficit, hyperactivity and impulsivity. Now it is known that the symptoms of this disease are found in 4% of the adult population or 8,000,000 people have the disease.
Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder in adults
Adults with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder may experience problems such as: difficulty remembering information, concentrating, organizing and execution of orders, shortage of time to complete assignments, etc. If you do not solve these problems properly, then there may be problems with behavior control emotions, social problems, etc.
AHDH-attention disorder of deficit hyperactivity
 The disease occurs in about 3-5% of school-age children, it is estimated that approximately 60% of children have this disease, it persists into adulthood. Statistics on the disease in adults are determined not as clear as in children, but range varies of 1-5%. This syndrome is more common in boys than in girls of school age.
Behavior of adults with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder
 The following problems and patterns of behavior may be a direct consequence of the attention deficit disorder and hyperactivity.
Chronic tardiness and forgetfulness, excitability, low self-esteem, problems with finding a job, difficulty controlling anger, impulsivity, substance abuse or addiction to them,  poor organizational skills, low tolerance to frustration, chronic depression, difficulty concentrating when reading, changes in mood, depression and relationship problems.
 These behavioral patterns can vary from mild to severe in degree, depending on the situation, or they can be permanent. Some people may experience problems concentrating at all times under any circumstances. Some of them are looking for any stimulus, others avoid it. Some adults with this syndrome may be outside the group as a rogue, and others with the violation can not be outside society.

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